
I previously wrote up a whole big paragraph about why it’s so hard to write an about page, and after looking at it for a grand total of two seconds, I decided that I was just waffling, saying a whole lot of nothing.

Anyways, Hi! My name is Danshu, and this is my Zenith! I’ll probably write a goofy little post about the meaning behind Zenith and why I chose it (spoiler: it’s a lot simpler than I’d like to admit). I’m not fully sure what I’ll be writing about here, but I do have a few ideas.

In the absence of solid blog posts, I’ll just list a few topics and leave without expanding upon them.

  • I’m a MacOS user that likes to cosplay as a linux user by using a tiling WM and working mainly from the terminal
  • I’m a neovim enjoyer (lovingly called neovim shill by others)
  • I like writing silly little CLI tools that print pretty info to the terminal
  • I’ve recently gotten into reading (crazy concept) and am always looking for recommendations on what to read next

That’s all you’re getting out of me for now, the rest you can probably social engineer out of me in a matter of minutes.